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FlyingPress + Cloudways: The Fix for Elementor Page Speed Issues

Flying Press
Community Health Centers scoring an A on GTMetrix using FlyingPress, while hosted with Cloudways.
Table of Contents

Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

If you’re reading this post, you’ve probably already started on the journey of acing the popular website speed tests like GTMetrix and Google Page Insights. Finding the perfect combination of host/plugins while not breaking the bank and not breaking your site can be a pain.

I’ve already broken my client’s sites hundreds of times, so you don’t have to break yours.

I’ve found THE combination. When configured properly, you can see under 1-second load times (this one loads in under 500ms on a good day, without a CDN).

Under 1 Second Load Times Without Spending on a CDN

Speed Up Elementor With Better Hosting and Caching

A great web host, to me, needs to offset some of the cost and maintenance time of plugins you would otherwise need (staging/backups) while providing the best speed possible. If you’ve been around the block, you’re thinking Kinsta! Yes, they are great, but they are also around $30mo per site. I’ve tried many popular choices and found these are the best bang for your buck.

Cloudways Cloudways is my host of choice. I’ll write a whole post in the future on it, but to sum it up, as of the time of writing, it is one of the cheapest, for the least amount of maintenance time required, to get the most amount of tools, and somehow still offer blazing fast servers.

FlyingPress is why we’re here. This is the secret component to getting speed. It’ll likely work well with whatever host you’re currently using, but for this post, I’ve run tests paired with Cloudways VULTR High-Frequency servers.

Cloudways Settings

Cloudways offers several server types, but this guide uses the Vultr High-Frequency servers. The lowest tier plan is around $12mo, and you can host several sites. This guide won’t go over launching an application, but if you’ve never done so, it’s a very easy process that even offers a migration tool for importing your site.

  1. Enable Redis
    This can be enabled within the “Manage Services” tab located in your server’s settings. You can read more about Redis on Wikipedia, but in short, it’s another form of caching.
  2. Set Memory Limit to 256MB or greater
    This can be changed within the “Settings & Packages” tab from the Server Management area within Cloudways. 
  3. Use PHP 8.0 or greater
    Depending on the size/traffic of the site, this alone can have a significant performance increase, especially if you’re upgrading from earlier than PHP 7.
  4. Use MariaDB 10.4 or greater
    If you’ve been on Cloudways, you’re probably already using MariaDB 10.4 since it’s the minimum allowed, but if you’re migrating a site over, this may change for you.
Cloudways - Manage Services
Cloudways - Manage Services Tab

FlyingPress Settings

FlyingPress offers similar optimizations and improvements as the more popular WPRocket, without bloating/upselling you on the backend. The ‘Delay Scripts on User Interaction’ is the star here, but we’ll get into it further down.

Cache Settings

  1. Enable Cache Pages
    In most cases, you will want this enabled, but if you’re using a CDN that is performing its own caching, it may be best to leave this disabled.
  2. Additional Auto Purge – All Posts and Pages
    Additional Auto Purge will determine what gets an automatic cache clear whenever you update content. I manually clear pages as I update them, but I wouldn’t recommend it.
  3. Cache Lifespan – Never
    If you’re updating content daily, you may want a lower amount here, but if you’re only updating every few days/weeks, it’s best to leave with never. 
FlyingPress Settings Dashboard

CSS Settings

  1. Enable Minify & Optimize CSS Files
    This will reduce the CSS file sizes.
  2. Generate Critical and Used CSS
    This one takes some work to perfect but can have a HUGE impact on load speeds.
  3. Load Unused CSS
    Remove will give you the lowest file size, but it may cause display issues.
    On-user interaction is the next step to try if Remove breaks your site.
    Asynchronously is the safest bet. I usually go with this unless I’m trying to push the limits.
  4. Lazy Render HTML Elements
    This is where you’ll want to enter CSS selectors to lazy load in. A great example of this is usually your footer. I use it on home pages that have a few blogs featured at the bottom of the page.
FlyingPress CSS Tab
FlyingPress CSS Tab

JavaScript Settings

The more plugins you use on your site, the more cautions you should be with the settings below. Test each one to be sure nothing is breaking.
  1. Enable Minify JavaScript
    This will reduce the JS file sizes.
  2. Enable PreLoad Links – Optional
    This is good for page speed but can wreak havoc on a web server if you have tons of images and content. Run a test for a few days if you enable it.
  3. Enable Defer JavaScript
    This defers the loading of JavaScript after HTML is parsed. It can help with CLS issues.
  4. Defer Inline JavaScript
  5. Load Scripts on User Interaction
    This is the secret sauce. This is where you can delay loading anything that is not needed above the fold of the website. Usually, tracking scripts or any JS that isn’t in the header.
FlyingPress Javascript Tab
FlyingPress Javascript Tab

Font Settings

  1. Enable Optimize Google Fonts
    I try to avoid using Google Fonts, but in the rare case you start using them, this can load every font and style locally, so you don’t have to do that manually.
  2. Enable Display Fallback Fonts
    Prevents font from loading slowly or flashing while your Google font is downloaded.
FlyingPress Font Tab
FlyingPress Font Tab

Image Settings

  1. Enable Lazy Load Images
    You may be lazy loading images another way already or by default, but I’ve found leaving this checked gets the best results. Be sure to add any above-the-fold images to the Exclude Images from Lazy Load box.
  2. Enable Width and Height Attributes
  3. Enable Preload Critical Images
  4. Enable Disable Emoji

When optimizing a website, it‘s important to adjust the base settings based on the complexity of the site and the other plugins and services being used. This may involve disabling certain features, adding custom code, or changing settings in the caching plugin. 

Additionally, additional tweaks may be needed based on the type of content being served, the hosting environment, and the specific performance goals of the site. It‘s important to continually monitor the website’s performance and make adjustments as needed.

Picture of Nicholas Williams
Nicholas Williams

I'm a design and marketing professional who has spent too many years of my life figuring out how to efficiently build websites that load fast, rank well on Google, and convert visitors into customers.